Thursday, September 24, 2009

To Armpitity... and Beyond

This might not be the most garish and awful thing I've ever seen, but its variety of odd details combine to be enough of a mess to take a few swipes at...
In the glorious future, this is what all KFC employees will wear. It's an apron, it's a uniform, it's got a swish neckerchief - I say, I say, I say, boy!
The designer thought that a giant lapel and collar - both on the jackety part AND the saucy, shiny pink shirt underneath - a cinchy belt, use cheapo sweatshirt-seam stitching at the edges, just wasn't quite enough of a statement.
What was that one finishing touch, that would make this jacket stand out? Of course! Scalloped mille-feuilles around the shoulder seams, evocative of piped mashed potatoes!
Because nothing says class and comfort like a Coquille St. Jacques border in your armpits.

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